Jose Blas

La Jungla, video game prototype

Developing a 2D platform game for an independent studio


An independent game studio called “PixelPlay” approached me to design and develop a 2D platform game for them. The game was aimed at a casual audience and was intended to be released on both iOS and Android platforms. They needed a game that was addictive, fun, and had a retro feel to it. I conceptualized and developed the game using Unity and programmed it in C++. The game had multiple levels, characters, animations, and included reward systems and ads to generate revenue.


The main challenge was to create a game that was both challenging and enjoyable for the players while maintaining the retro feel that the client wanted. The game also had to be lightweight so that it could run smoothly on mobile devices.

Design phase:

I began the design phase by creating a concept for the game, which involved a cute and lovable protagonist that would navigate through different levels, collecting coins and power-ups, and avoiding obstacles and enemies. I also created the main villain, which would be a big boss character that the player would have to defeat at the end of the game.

Next, I designed and created the characters and animations using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop. I made sure that each character had a unique look and feel and that their movements were fluid and smooth.

Programming phase:

Once I had the characters and animations ready, I began programming the game using Unity and C++. I created the game mechanics, including movement, collision detection, and enemy AI. I also created the different levels, ensuring that each level was challenging but not too difficult. I tested the game multiple times to make sure that it was balanced and fun.

Mobile version:

After completing the desktop version of the game, I created a mobile version that would work on both Android and iOS devices. I integrated rewards and ads into the mobile version, which would encourage players to keep playing and provide the studio with a source of revenue.


In conclusion, I designed and developed a 2D platform game for an independent studio, creating the characters, animations, levels, and programming the whole thing in C++ using Unity. I also created a version for mobile with rewards and ads, ensuring that the game was both engaging and profitable.

Final prototypes

Final prototypes

Jose Blas

Expert in Software & Design.

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