Jose Blas

Product Designer at Healios

Product Design for Health Monitoring Medical Device

As a member of the product team at Healios, a dynamic health tech startup, I played a pivotal role in several significant product design and development initiatives that enhanced both user engagement and regulatory compliance. During my tenure, the company’s value grew substantially, driven in part by the advancements in product design that I helped implement. Below is a detailed summary of my key achievements:

  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Gained insights from neurologists, data scientists, and business managers to enhance product designs.
  • User Interface Redesign: Led the redesign of the medical device’s user interface incorporating feedback from diverse stakeholders.
  • Usability Engineering: Improved usability documentation to ensure MDR compliance, enhancing overall user experience.
  • Design System Development: Worked on a comprehensive design system that improved design consistency across products.
  • Adoption Campaigns: Developed and executed campaigns that successfully increased user compliance and adoption rates.
  • Professional Development: Earned a certificate in Usability Engineering for Medical Devices, furthering my expertise in the field.

Interdisciplinary Insights

Working alongside a broad spectrum of professionals, including data scientists, neurologists, developers, business managers, and the product team (comprising product owners, managers, business analysts, and designers), I gained valuable interdisciplinary insights that enhanced the team’s initiatives. This collaboration ensured that the product design was not only innovative but also met the highest standards of medical and business requirements.

Specific Insights and Innovations: We discovered new uses for the device’s sensors and APIs, such as using the ambient light sensor to control the start and stop of test measurements. Additionally, we optimized various processes and developed new interaction portals for stakeholders, including a feedback input system to better organize and manage user feedback.

User Interface Redesign

My collaboration with experts in neurology and data science was crucial in the redesign of the medical device’s user interface. This project involved integrating sensor data to create biomarkers and track neurological disease progression through 18 mobile games, contributing to a more user-centric product. The redesign aimed to make the interface intuitive and engaging, enhancing the overall user experience and making it easier for users to interact with the device.

Impact on User Engagement: The redesign led to significantly improved user feedback and engagement, as the interface became more intuitive and accessible, making it easier for users to complete their tasks and interact with the device.

Workshop Leadership

I led collaborative workshops that brought together experts from data science, business, and medical fields to redefine and enhance the user interface for our applications and associated games. These sessions were instrumental in integrating diverse perspectives into the design process, ensuring that our products not only met technical specifications but also delivered an intuitive and engaging user experience. We successfully revamped both the aesthetic and functional aspects of the app, making it more accessible and effective for users across various demographics.

Workshop Activities and Outcomes: During these workshops, we conducted brainstorming sessions, usability testing, and feedback collection, which helped us to iteratively improve the design. The outcomes included a more user-friendly interface and increased satisfaction among different user groups.

Usability Engineering

In my role focusing on usability engineering, I helped ensure MDR compliance for the medical device by improving the usability documentation, which in turn, elevated the user experience. This involved conducting thorough usability tests and refining documentation to meet stringent regulatory standards, ensuring the device was safe, effective, and user-friendly.

Specific Usability Improvements: We streamlined the user interface, reduced the number of steps required to complete tasks, and enhanced the overall clarity of instructions, which made the device easier to use and more reliable. My certification allowed the company to sign off on the usability documentation for MDR submission using me as the Usability Engineer. Without this documentation, the product would not have been approved as a medical device.

Design System Development

I was involved in the creation of a comprehensive design system at Healios. This system has streamlined the team’s design processes and brought consistency across all products and platforms. My role involved soliciting feedback and implementing design inputs, which enhanced accessibility, engagement, and ease of use, thereby optimizing the user experience. The design system served as a single source of truth for design components, ensuring that all products maintained a high standard of quality and coherence.

Impact on Design Process Efficiency: The design system significantly reduced development time and ensured a cohesive user experience across all products, which in turn boosted user satisfaction and product reliability.

Adoption Campaigns

My work also extended to campaigns aimed at increasing adoption rates, which successfully improved user compliance with scheduled tests. These efforts demonstrate my commitment to enhancing product outcomes and user satisfaction. The campaigns were designed to educate users about the importance of regular testing and to motivate them through engaging content and reminders.

Key Strategies and Metrics: We used targeted email campaigns, in-app notifications, and educational content to drive adoption. Metrics such as user compliance rates and feedback scores were tracked to measure success, showing a notable increase in user engagement and adherence to testing schedules.

Professional Development

I obtained a certificate in Usability Engineering for Medical Devices, which has enhanced my ability to contribute effectively to the team’s goals of optimizing user experiences and streamlining design processes at Healios. This certification has provided me with advanced knowledge and skills in usability engineering, further solidifying my expertise and enabling me to apply best practices in medical device design.

Influence on Work at Healios: The certification allowed the company to sign off on the usability documentation for MDR submission using me as the Usability Engineer. I performed usability testing sessions and data analysis, ensuring the product met all necessary standards for approval as a medical device.

Product design

UI versions

Healios Platform app

Healios Platform app notifications

Home screen alternatives

Design System

Usability for Medical Devices

Jose Blas

Expert in Software & Design.

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